Sunday, July 31, 2011

the hard part is over...

I've told everybody who needed to know what my "plans" are.  Caught a bit of static, but I'm over it.  I can't explain to people who are content with Arkansas or the life they have what I want to do.  I kind of wish I had just told only the necessary people (work, people I rent from, places I pay bills) and took off.  I wouldn't have done that though.  I love my people too much.

So, in just a couple of days I'm turning in my 30-day move out notice and in over a week, I'll be jobless.  Guess I better get a move on deciding what to sell and/or keep in storage, turn off notices, etc.  I've been reading other blogs for ideas and advice on how to prepare for things.  There's a lot more to be done than I may have realized.  It'll all fall together.

I am very ready for this adventure.  I can't wait to meet new people and experience things most people wouldn't.  In two weeks this blog will be on its way!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

notice given....

Today was the day I planned on giving my two-week notice at work, and talking to Lukas about my plans so that he can start figuring out what he is going to do.

It was really hard to tell them.  I feel bad both at home and at work.  At home, what is Lukas going to do?  I need him to tell me if he is going to stay at this place or not so I can either put him on the lease or have my 30 day move out notice ready.  At work, I know I'm replaceable, but I still feel like I'm putting them in a lurch too.  Tawnya and Mark were saying how they hate to see me go, but wished me luck.

It's really hard to have people who rely on me feel like I'm dropping them.  I'm not!  Or that's not really my intentions.  I just can't let people hold me back any more.  I keep using them as excuses as to why I can't my grandmother, for example.  But there comes a time when you have to do what YOU want to do.  So that's what I'm set out to do.

I've already hit some negativity.  Mom and Dad think I should get on Zoloft to "solve your need to be somewhere other than where you are."  Thanks.  I'm sure they mean well, but that kind of hurt my feelings.  I won't go there tho.  They just worry, I guess.  Support (without worry)will settle in as soon as the shock wears least I hope so anyway!

I'm going to talk to Kimberly and Nana in the next two days...I don't expect a good reaction.  Nana usually thinks I'm just throwing my life away or can't afford to do the things I do (obviously I can).  She means well too...just has a way of hurting my feelings in the process.  Kimberly will probably lock me in her bathroom and not let me leave.  haha

The two people who haven't given me crap and shown me support wholly are Chris and Michelle.  They've listened to me, pointing out the good and bad, while providing complete honesty and suggestions.  They don't think I'm crazy (the bad kind, anyway)...they think I'm smart and brave.

I might fall flat on my face, but at least I tried, right?

So my last day will be August 8th.  I plan to leave 8/11 for Washington DC.  I want to catch My Chemical Romance August 12 at the Jiffy Lube Live venue, and mewithoutYou at the Black Cat.  If they are just as amazing as they were last time I saw them, I might just drop my other plans and drive to Norfolk to see them again and go on to Virginia Beach.  If not, I'll continue with my plan to hit Philly, NYC, Boston, Buffalo, and Cincinnati.  I just have to make sure I'm back in AR by August 23 at the LATEST so I can get my stuff moved out, but still have time to hang out in Little Rock before going to Monticello for a day or two and heading to Jacksonville, FL, with Siobhan...who I guess I should call to confirm my plans!

Wish me luck with the breaking of news (and hearts).....

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Call me crazy....(just don't call me Shirley!)

This is my first post.  I'll just introduce myself as Starr.  I'm 25 and I love to travel.

I'm giving up my nice duplex, easy enough job, saying good-bye (for the time being) to friends and family, and taking all the money I have saved up and traveling.  I'm determined to make it last as long as I can, but I am more than willing to stay somewhere for 3-6 months to replenish my funds before going on to the next place.

What has lead me to this?  Well, back in 2009 I went on two trips with my school (one to Washington DC and the other to London, England), 2010 I made a cross-country (west to east coast) journey, last minute trip to London again this year, among many other small trips including: Dallas, TX; Jacksonville, FL; Branson, MO; Bowling Green, KY; etc.  Every time I come back, I get really down and can't wait to hit the road again.  Especially this last trip to London/Jacksonville.  I just cried the moment I got home (I almost didn't make it home before the tears started welling up).  Now, this is not all to say I don't have a nice life in Arkansas because I do.  I just love the freedom traveling gives you.  My dad once said that I have his ramblin' bones.  I hope I make them (parents/grandma) proud....even though this is completely out of the ordinary.  It's their fault, I mean...look at my name!  That's a start... :)

Am I crazy?  Probably.  Most people my age are finishing/finished school, starting careers, getting settled, making families.  Yeah...that's not for me.  I did, however, finish school, so I have that at least I suppose.  But I don't want to settle.  I don't want to have "roots" yet.  I'm young, and I find it more responsible to be selfish while I can..before I have responsibilities of kids or significant other.  Who is to say I'll live to retirement age?  Or that I'll even have the money/option to do what I'm planning right now later?  I'm not someone without a life plan...I'm someone who lives for now.  Why worry about later if later may never come?  Of course, though, all this could change once I'm out there traveling.  I could find a place I fall in love with and want to call home, a fantastic job opportunity (I'll be putting my resume in at different places that I see fit), or awesome people to call friends.

I'll miss my friends and family dearly...but I've let things like that be my excuse to stay as long as I have. Now it's time to think about me and my life/happiness.

I'm taking the weekend to decide exactly what I'm going to do, talk to my roommate and a couple of friends I trust, make some calls about storage, and just do some general research.  Monday is when I'll have made my decision and ready to tell everyone just exactly what I'm going to do.  I'm sure I'll get some negative reactions (I'm going to do my best not to let it hurt my feelings!!!), but hopefully I'll get positive feedback as well as suggestions or tips for any topic.  A little monetary help wouldn't hurt either, haha. :)  Maybe I'll get enough followers on my page who would like to make donations to help keep me going....I won't hold my breath for that, but wouldn't that be awesome?!

Okay, rambling done.  Hope you, whoever you are, continue to follow me on my journey.  Side-note, I'll upload pictures with all my locations when possible once I get started.  Good Night!