Sunday, July 19, 2015

How do I do it?

I have had a lot of people ask me how I can afford to travel. The truthful answer is that I have no idea. I've always been really good at saving money, but also allowing myself to spend when it comes to something I really want. I've worked since I was 16 and have been fortunate enough to save because (thanks to my nana) I didn't have the expense of having to pay for miscellaneous insurances, my cell phone, car notes, and if in a bind I knew I could count on my incredible nana to help. For as long as I can remember, I've always had a decent savings account from working. It was kind of an obsession to watch it grow so I did everything I could to make that happen. Yes, I still had bills to pay (rent and whatnot), but there were times when I was living at home or someone else's home for a bit and was able to save from that (thanks for that, you know who you are!)

There's no special formula to my savings and spending. Right now I'm watching my poor bank account bleed because I didn't stick around in the States long enough after getting back from Israel to replenish it. I made enough money to pay for the couple of trips I took while I was home (and most of the flights were paid using Southwest points or a voucher I received because I volunteered to stay an extra day in Las Vegas), I was able to pay for my one-way ticket to Auckland, and buy a new Surface 3 (didn't really *need* it and could've bought a new Macbook instead, but I went with this because I was obsessed with it…more on that later.) While I might spend money on things like this, I don't usually go out and get my nails done (maybe on a special occasion), buy new clothes to be trendy, etc.

Let's face it. You're never going to have enough money. It's never going to be the right time. And whatever excuse you have, use it. But that's just it. It's an excuse. But why though? For me, I have different priorities. I don't care about a career, owning a home, starting a family…things people my age are already starting to do or have done. I'm just not there yet. You, on the other hand, might be there already and that's wonderful. It might make planning for travel and other things a bit more difficult, but not impossible!

In all honesty, I am super responsible with money…but if I get an idea in my head, it's going to gnaw at me until I see it through. It could be something as little as wanting a Dr Pepper. When I was in Arkansas, my sister would drink them all if we had any in the house, so if I wanted one I actually had to make the effort to go get one and I would go get a can. Same as with the Surface 3 I mentioned earlier. Sure, I still had my 2008 Macbook, but it was on it's last legs. And heavy!! Were there other models of tablet/laptops I could've gotten for cheaper? Of course. But was it a Surface that had this cool ass pen (that I've used like 3 times)? Okay then…shut up and give me my over priced tablet. "Hmm…there's a working holiday visa I could acquire and go live/work in New Zealand? I'm gonna do that," thought 2011 Starr who planned it out so that she'd be there by January 2014. Life had other plans for me, so it took a year and a half longer, but I still did it.

You want to travel? Just do it. You don't have to drop everything like I did, but you can use your vacation days wisely. There are all kind of people who know how to work the system when it comes to scoring deals on flights and hotels. I'm still learning, and you can too. Be flexible when possible. DON'T WAIT ON OTHERS TO GO WITH YOU. I promise, if you're sitting around waiting for your best friend to go with you to *insert place* you might just be waiting a lifetime. It's okay to travel on your own. The world is not a big, scary place just waiting to rape and murder you. Most of the people you meet along the way are more than happy to help you and be your friend. Just always use your head and follow your instincts. Sure, there are weirdos out there, but guess what? They're in your hometown too. Shocker, right? You might die bungee jumping, but you might also die walking to your mailbox. You can't live in fear. Take small steps if you need to. Take a weekend trip somewhere by yourself and you'll see what I mean. You get to do what you want to do without having someone nag about how they'd rather be doing something else instead.

Here are some links you might find helpful :) 
Nomadic Matt -He travels nonstop and offers many tips...def my go to site.
A Dangerous Business Travel Blog -She hasn't given up a "normal" life for long-term travel and will show you that you don't have to either.
I will teach you to be rich: How to travel cheap -sounds like a scam, right? But it's not; you will find some pretty useful tips on how to, like the title says, travel cheaply.
Matador Network: you don't have to be a privileged white girl to travel****

My advice: just go. Do a bit of research, book a ticket, and go. Have fun, live life. We all have a choice, even when we think we don't, we do. What will your choice be?

****I really hope I don't come off as a spoiled brat. That is not my intention because I greatly appreciate the fact that I have had help financially when it came to certain things, but do not think that I've never had bills to pay. I do try to do things on my own, but if I ever find myself in a bind I know I can ask for some help...however, for the most part, I try not to do this. Nobody else pays for the trips I take; I pay for them. The only exception would be when I went to Israel on the Masa program in which my grandma paid for the program fee and another relative gave me a monetary gift. I guess I'm including this to say that it may not be as easy for everybody, but it can be done. The last link above includes people with various backgrounds that also show that it can be done. 

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