Monday, I didn't do too much of anything except work that morning. Afterwards, I took a nap and got up and "watched" the Vikings v. Packers game with Frank. Then Frank, James, and I went to A&W for some rootbeer good. They all went to XS and I stayed in and tried to figure out my next move...I think I know, but I don't want to ruin the surprise. Very late Monday night (technically Tuesday morning), I was up watching Jurassic Park with Zynall when I got a phone call from James to see if I could pick him, Asaf, and Danni up from Encore. Made a lil money for it...awesome.
I worked Tuesday afternoon. After work, Nick, Frank, Asaf, and 3 other people staying at the hostel went to a sushi place called Yama. It was so good, and just what I needed. I still think that place in Boise was the best, but this place was pretty good too. I want to go back right now just thinking about it. Nick and I dropped everyone off at the Strip and we just went back to the hostel.
Wednesday, I went to Barnes and Noble for 3 hours. I spent a good hour and a half in the Religion and another hour in the Language section. I was going to buy a Bible and a Quran to accompany my World Religion book, but ended up with just the WR book. Then I finally broke down and bought a language book/audio tutor for French and Spanish. I really wanted this Hebrew for Dummies, but I just couldn't drop $25 this time. So I just looked up a couple of words and phrases to use. It was really interesting tho. I love B&N...and even though I enjoyed my alone time trying to absorb what I could while there, it just wasn't the same as it was in Little Rock. I guess, if I'm just being honest, I have mewithoutYou to "blame" for giving me the final push for me want to explore this Religion thing for real. I always said if I went to UALR that would've been my minor.
Anyway, on to the fun stuff with pictures!
That night we went in a limo to a strip club called OG. I was so uncomfortable seeing as this was the first time going and the girls were actually topless (and next to boobless) and upstairs were the men. THAT was completely inappropriate and I was totally uncomfortable with the male strippers and the way the women acted was disgusting. Ugh, anyway. We weren't there for very long and James picked us up and took us to the Gallery in Planet Hollywood. I dance till my legs hurt and was a sweaty mess. I had so much fun!
In the limo. |
Van ride to the Gallery. |
We're having a great time! :D |
Thursday, James, Asaf, Nick, Steven (hostel guest), and I went out to Mount Charleston. Totally wasn't expecting snow on the ground or else I would have worn my hoodie and pants instead of shorts and a light jacket. It wasn't so bad though. I've never fallen while doing outdoor activities (in my adult life anyway) but I've always thought about it and of course have the worst case scenarios running through my head. We that day, of all days, my ankle betrayed me and I came tumbling down. And to make matters worse the guys saw the whole thing. I put on brave-face and not let myself cry (when that's all I really wanted to do). I had to tell them to quit asking if I was okay or else it was going to happen. It can best be described like this...have you ever watched a kid fall down, and they're okay until someone makes a fuss about them falling and then they start crying relentlessly? I honestly think it's because they're embarrassed (I was) more so than hurt. So I just ended up with a mark on my knee (of course, poor guys can't catch a break) and my hand hurts a little from trying to keep myself from falling so hard. I had my priorities all out of order as I was face was number one, then phone, then everything else. I'm slightly vain and I love my phone what else can I say?
Taking a picture of Steven taking a picture of Nick. |
My battle can also see my chill bumps, |
L-R: Asaf, James, me, Steven, and Nick. My bros. |
Totally should've worn pants. |
So...donkeys run wild around here.... |
They're so cute!! |
That night, Nick and I went to see The Blue Man Group at the Venetian. It was super cool and just makes me want to see more shows! We sat in the Poncho section (it was cheaper) but didn't even need the poncho!
In our dorky ponchos. |
I'm on TV! |

Friday morning I worked and read in my World Religion book. I went to Temple Beth Shalom for the Shabbat service. Asaf was supposed to go with me, but backed out. I had no idea what was going on and broke some rules. If I would've read the program a bit better I would've seen that they don't use their cell phones on the Sabbath (I was texting before service...). you're not supposed to write (I was taking notes during service so I wouldn't forget anything), and cameras are not permitted so thank G-d I didn't take any pictures while there! There was a guard in the parking lot, but the neighborhood seemed really upscale. All the males are to wear kippah for all services and a tallit on Shabbat morning. Service that night was pretty much just singing. The music was nice, but they sang in Hebrew (I'm not sure why this would surprise me). I wonder if they know what the songs (maybe they're prayers?) are saying, like if they actually know (at least some) Hebrew. There was an English translation in the book, but ya know. I'm just standing there observing what's going on when they all turn around and face the other way and it took me by surprise...I was looking for a flag or something thinking maybe they were giving honor to it. They also covered their eyes while saying Ba-ruch Sheim. Then they had a guest speaker who I couldn't really understand because of his accent, but the men who were sitting behind me were really obnoxious by talking and getting all frustrated that the speaker was going on "too long." They ended with this young girl singing and taking a sip from a cup and passing some bread between her and the people in the pulpit (not sure of the Jewish term for the front). Apparently it was some special moment because they had some celebration food out in the foyer. I felt kind of uncomfortable eating (what?!), so I left kind of in a hurry. Maybe I should've stuck around and tried to talk to some people, but I was nervous since I basically know nothing about their religion. I've got a lot to learn.
Foursquare..... |
I plan on going to a Mosque while I'm here too. There's a Unitarian church not too far from the hostel that I want to go to more, but it's just not the same as back home.
Anyway, I work the night shift not going out today to do anything. Going to catch up on a few things (this, reading, and maybe some TV shows)...and sleep.
24 days till I go back to Arkansas for Christmas! <3