Sunday, October 9, 2011

Solo Travels 10/02-10/06 Boise, ID

I stayed the night in some motel not too far from Boise on Sunday night, so the drive Monday was nice.  It was a beautiful, mild temperature day.  Such a great change from Seattle!  Unfortunately, it didn't last long. During my drive I entered Mountain Time Zone, drove on the Old Oregon Trail, crossed the half way point between the Equator and the North Pole, and saw a legit race car track with a race going on from the road.  I arrived in Boise, ID, and checked into the Idahostel.  I couldn't find it at first, but when I did I realized it was going to be a lot different from Green Tortuous.

I wanted to be in it, but couldn't this time.  :(

There were 3 college students, 1 "resident" and the manager and her boyfriend that lives there.  Aside from them, only 4 other people were staying and only 1 of them being a girl.  She left the next day, and then I was the only girl (besides the manager) staying there.

I was talking with one of the guys, Clark, who lives there about mexican food, and he walked with me to a place.  He was also nice enough to walk around and show me some places so that I'd be able to have a general idea of the area.  We went to the Anne Frank Memorial/Human Rights Memorial, Rose Garden, Art/History/African American Museums  (obviously we didn't go in, it was night time), and a bunch of other places before heading back to the hostel for the night.

Anne Frank and me...hiding.
If you look close enough, that's a boat with people packed like sardines!  Literally.

Hey, I recognize you from the Dollar coin...
I always thought Lincoln was hot.
I saw the lightening in the distance on our way back, and knew it was going to rain Tuesday. And it did, and the temperature dropped.  It went from a nice, warm day to a cold, wet day.  I swear rain follows me everywhere I go.  I ended up just going to the Capitol building and walking around in there for a bit and spent the rest of my time at the hostel.  Well, till Clark got home from work and we walked around for a bit in the misty rain.

It was beautiful inside too.

Lewis and Clark.
Rose Garden.

Michelle....  :)
Freak Alley.
I like Boise. 
There's my man.
That night one of the guests staying there, GA/SD, was going for a beer so I joined so I could get food and have company.  He was a cool guy.  He's married and was in Boise for a job interview.  We got on the subject of strip clubs and ended up going to one.  I've never been to one which is why we ended up going.  The manager from the hostel went with us too.  Apparently, if booze is being sold all their "clothes" stay on.  But if booze isn't they can be topless, and in some places, completely naked.  Basically, I've seen more nudity on the beach than I did that night.  It was awkward, but I've gotta say I'm glad they were scantily clad and not naked.  It was one of the more interesting experience I've had so far.  Obviously, I didn't get pictures there.  O.o

Wednesday, I had planned on leaving, but since GA/SD (I didn't even know his name for the first hour and a half we hung out the night before..and only knew it because the bartender said it as he handed back his credit card) was staying and art walk was the next day, I stayed too.

I went with one of the other guys living at the hostel, Steve(n? I could never remember which name went with who), to BSU to the job fair.  We went to Chandler's restaurant and I turned in an application.  I figured if I got it, I'd stay.  I really do like Boise.  Who would've thought?  Got back and GA/SD and I went to happy hour at the bar next door then to the sushi place downstairs from the hostel.  Oh my God, it was so good!!  Best California Roll I've ever had.  Then that night, GA/SD, Clark, and I went to Goody's Soda Fountain and Candy because I was feigning a root beer float.  It was fantastic.  We got back to the hostel and things got a little heated over talks of politics.  Steve(n?) was in the Occupy Wall Street protest and that's how it got started.  I don't know anything about it, so I just updated my blog.

Thursday GA/SD woke me up and we went to eat breakfast at Cafe de Paris which made me want wish Chris and I had spent more time there.  *le sigh*  We went to the Boise Art Museum since it was free and I purchased a mood ring.  I love it and I finally have something to replace the nakedness my broken black ring left me.  Let's have a moment of silence for my beloved, broken ring.  *reflection/....end*  It was another rainy day, so there wasn't much else I wanted to do that didn't involve being outside.  That night GA/SD, Clark, and I went to eat mexican...cheese dip is starting to get better, but not by much.  We walked around to a lot of the shops that were participating in Art Walk.  FYI, not only is beer not my thing, but neither is wine.  Gross.  The hostel let a girl showcase her art work and also provided free beer, so that drew in a crowd.  When Art Walk was over a bunch of us (the owner, people staying at the hostel, and the owner's friends) went to some bar.  The bar offered $0.50 PBR.  Damn good deal, if I was a beer drinker.  I just didn't participate in the drinking.  I ended up playing some pool with a guy named Chance.  I won the first time since he shot the 8 ball in too soon, and then he won because I did the same thing.  I called it an "early" night even though everyone was still hanging out and moving the party to another bar...I knew I had to be up early the next day.

That's a lot of beer!

Chance and me playing pool.
I told GA/SD to wake me up when he got up to feed the meter for his truck, so when Friday morning rolled around he did just that.  He dropped me off at my car that was parked a few blocks away from the hostel.  It was yet again cold and rainy.  On to Salt Lake City, UT, I headed....

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